Dream One, The new League with an incredible casting
The humorists Redouane Bougheraba and Hakim Jemili, the influencer PSG Sabri Parisien or nothing, the former Pros Steve Savidan, Sidney Govou or Jessica Houara, the journalist Margot Dumont, the sports coach Yanisport, here is a quick overview of a few players who evolveIn Dream One, the new 5 football championship that will quickly become a reference!

The humorist Redouane Bougheraba
Dream One is a revolutionary concept with an exceptional casting of players from various horizons, filmed and broadcast matches on YouTube, interviews and above all, players who can evolve during the season!
The 8 teams engaged in this season 1 have faced each other since January with a fairly high level and the 80 players of this season 1 have of course been entitled to their footboks!
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