Aqua caffeine gel has a moderate intake of 30mg of caffeine. It has a fluid consistency, based on real fruit juice.
Highly concentrated, this HIGH5 sports drink provides you with the energy and electrolytes you need during exercise, without additional water.
Easy to open and drink, each sachet contains 23g of carbohydrates for only 3g of sugars. EnergyGel Aqua has been awarded an award and its effectiveness has been demonstrated in numerous competitions around the world.
Caffeine can improve attention, concentration and reaction time.
At HIGH5, we are committed to creating nutritious products with amazing natural flavors and are passionate about helping you achieve your goals, big or small.
We want to give you a HIGH5 hit for every run, for every run, for when you want to win and when you don't, for your first mile and every extra mile. We are here for you.
With over 25 years of experience supplying sports nutrition products, we ensure that HIGH5 products contain everything you need to perform at your best, every day.